Conflict Within is a short, black and white hand-drawn animation which tells a story using music. The animation depicts a conflict between an ambiguous pair (father and son). The son is bored with his work and worries about living up to the expectations of his father. This comes from the artist's own life experiences of resolving internal conflicts, where the father figure represents the expectations of family and society. The animation fight scene represents the overcoming of fears about meeting those expectations. The majority of the work was visualized initially in sketchbooks or digitally on the computer using a tablet.
The purpose of the project is to not only display animation skills, but also give some insight into the artist's inner life. The music helps to portray the idea of having hope and pushing forward in spite of obstacles. The artist aims to inspire viewers.
Jeremy Gonzalez is a student in Digital Media & Design with a concentration in Motion Design & Animation. For his entire life, he has enjoyed drawing with an interest that started all the way back in elementary school. The first style he learned was Japanese manga which was self-taught. The first formal education in art he had was in high school where he learned the principles of art and most importantly, developed a thick skin for criticism. His style today is a blend of things he learned from drawing manga and things he learned in school.
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